Top 10 Most Innovative Foods in China in 2017
Planner:Mote Chan(WeChat ID:motechenfbif) Author: eieibob、Jadien Click Top 10 Most Innovative Foods in China in 2017 to read the original article. After half a month's collection, vote and internal selection, FBIF finally figures out the Top 10 Most Innovative Foods in China in 2017. Wishing to promote China's food innovation, we picked out the top 10 pioneering products of 2017. What kind of product is the most revolutionary and is capable of over shadowing the rest for a long time? Among all the criteria of the selection, “Creating a New Category” is the most important one. Besides, flavor and packaging design also matter. We have faith in the theory of Al·Ries: brands that create and dominate a new category are more likely to succeed in the end. We also believe that innovation of long-term significance is not about playing with concepts, but addressing customer's pain points. We could see that the picked products could satisfy the demands of vari...